[Es2] stock AAN with Dahlback intake vs. chipped 3B

Mark Wetzel Mark.Wetzel at verizon.net
Fri Aug 13 22:51:59 EDT 2004

Thanks for the insight, I need all the bits and tidbits I can get my
hands on.

I knew about the ignition, but I wasn't aware there was a difference in
the intake path. I'll have to nose around and learn about that.


-----Original Message-----
From: es2-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:es2-bounces at audifans.com] On
Behalf Of Matt twentyV
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 7:25 PM
To: 'eS2 List'
Subject: RE: [Es2] stock AAN with Dahlback intake vs. chipped 3B

--- Mark Wetzel <Mark.Wetzel at verizon.net> wrote:

> Kinda sounds a bit like the post I put up a few days
> back.
> Mine has nothing below around 4k, I was watching the
> guage the other day
> while just sitting, and taking it up to a little
> over 3k, there was no
> boost at all.

RS2 turbo definitely has a higher boost threshold 
than the stock K24.  As I said, I'm into some boost
below 2K and maxed out below 3K.  I'm a little 
envious of the RS2 guys pushing 400HP, but the
tradeoff of that high boost threshold is a bit
much.  I think some of the Garret hybrids offer a
bit of the best of both worlds, but it is still
a fundamental compromise.
As for AAN vs. 3B, the biggest difference is the distributorless
ignition, followed by the shorter intake path.  Both mean higher HP
potential in the AAN, but I think both motors have the same basic
internals. -Matt

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