[Es2] stock AAN with Dahlback intake vs. chipped 3B

Jimmy Pribble Jimmy at texasbankers.com
Mon Aug 16 09:13:53 EDT 2004


 > The chipped AAN loses any "overboost" mode; AAN and 3B are very similar
HP at the typical stage 1 chip.  I assume anyone doing a conversion will
chip the ECU.
I guess I thought there was an additional parameter or profile available for
the AAN, rather than it simply being creative programming on the typical
tables.  In that case, one could program the same restricted overboost into
a 3B if they wanted a "light" upgrade?  I think you would be surprised at
how many unchipped conversions there are.  I am.
It makes sense that there is no overboost mode on typically chipped cars.
Anyway, I always thought there was something electronically different about
the AAN ECU that allowed overboost.  Thanks for clearing things up.

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