[Es2] Metric bubble flares suck balls

livinotte at cox.net livinotte at cox.net
Tue Aug 17 18:40:28 EDT 2004

Hi guys.

So far everything is running great with the exception that I didn't know import cars have metric bubble flares.  I started leaking fuel while giving it 30% throttle.  So this email is mostly a reminder if you cut fuel lines most likely you have to use a metric bubble flare. 

Also my fan turns imediately on when I start the car and I think it's because i have the power feed to the fan not connected to the right spot. It goes on P .. something.. I believe and I have it on M... something.  A little oil is still leaking out of the downpipe but I have not run the car long enough to figure it out yet.  

I didn't like the fact that on start up oil pressure gauge shoots to 5bar. Actually when turn the ignition on the pressure guage goes straight to 5 bar.  I am thinking it's electrical so I bought a mechanical oil pressure tester just to be on the safe side.  Everything is in check with the mechanical oil pressure tester.  It also made me realize that I like reading oil pressure in psi so much more than bar and I am planning on buying a vdo psi oil pressure gauge from 0-100.  

I am going to try to borrow a bubble flare tool from one of the shops in the are and then take it from there.


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