[Es2] clutches

Elijahallen92 at aol.com Elijahallen92 at aol.com
Mon Dec 20 08:28:04 EST 2004

 I had a centerforce clutch and aluminum flywheel on my 94 S4 for over  a 
year and several track events. When I pulled it apart to see if it would still  
be fine to throw in the coupe is was still in very good condition with very  
little ware. I was very happy with it in the S4 and it felt almost stock with a  
butt load of grab. I never had it slip even with 5K rpm launches which I did  
very rarely.
In a message dated 12/20/2004 8:09:37 AM Eastern Standard Time,  
chris.miller at infofoundry.com writes:

Hoping  to start on the conversion of my coupe in the next couple weeks.
Big thing  I need is a new clutch (pp, disk, bolts, throwout bearing).
Best  source/price?  Most everyone just using the 7A  clutch/flywheel

Chris Miller
Training  Development
[i] The Information Foundry at Robert Bentley, Inc.
Tel:  617.528.4113
Cell:  617.875.3792
mailto:chris.miller at infofoundry.com

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