[Es2] 20vt intake manifold FS

Tom Saltino saltinot at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 20 11:17:29 EST 2004

Why do you need an RS2 for the Wagner manifold??  I've got the Wagner
piece also and I also have both an RS2 throttle body and UrS4 throttle
body and there is no difference except for a slightly taller "lip" on
the area where the intake hose clamps onto.  They are different part
numbers of course, but they can be interchanged.  They also use the same
throttle position sensor and dashpot.  I can take pics and put the
calipers on them if you think that would help

Tom Saltino
'95.5 S6 avant
'94 e//S6
'85 4000 (petie)
'84 GTI Cup racer

-----Original Message-----
From: es2-bounces+saltinot=earthlink.net at audifans.com
[mailto:es2-bounces+saltinot=earthlink.net at audifans.com] On Behalf Of
SigDesign at aol.com
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 8:05 AM
To: livinotte at cox.net; Es2 at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [Es2] 20vt intake manifold FS

Does he have any RS2 throttle bodies? I need one for my Wagner IM.
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