[Es2] 3Bing the 7A on the cheap

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Tue Feb 3 17:01:33 EST 2004

Hi Mike,

I lurk on the ES2 list and am an active poster on both the 20V and the
200Q-20V lists.  My subject project, "3Bing the 7A on the cheap", is exactly
the project that you are inquiring about, as yet uncompleted.  My goal is
not extreme HP, but rather just chipped 3B performance plus the added
advantage of the 7A's larger displacement, all at the lowest possible cost.

I have acquired all of the necessary 3B externals to transplant onto the in
situ 7A.  There are several (2) problems/decisions that need to be addressed
with this project to adapt the 7A engine.

1.  IMO, one need not and I do not intend to replace or regrind the 7A cams.
One need only change the cam timing to eliminate the NA valve overlap.  This
change can have the added advantage of lowering the effective CR of the
engine without a piston change, by leaving the intake valves open longer
into the compression stroke.

2.  One must decide to either retain the single water outlet of the 7A head
or to machine the 3 additional outlet ports to adapt the 3B water outlet
manifold.  I would do the latter if I could find the close by loan of a
stripped 3B head to take measurements therefrom.  I have the 3B water

Everything else is pretty much straight forward.  Just requiring my getting


Bernie Benz
Gardnerville, NV

'90 90Q-20V  150K
'91 200Q-20V 175K 
Ford "Quatro" Tractor
Other Misc. Toys 

> Message: 4
> Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2004 18:01:57 -0500
> From: Michael Troast <mike at uncutproducts.com>
> Subject: [Es2] 20v turbo'ing
> To: <es2 at audifans.com>
> Message-ID: <BC3EFB15.1F1F%mike at uncutproducts.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
> I was wondering if anyone has had any luck turboing a stock 20v. I have a 90
> coupe and just rebuilt the engine (ported, polished, .040 over, forged
> pistons, undersize crank bearings, etcŠ) I have too much money into it now
> to just yank it and start over. I have a urs4 exhaust manifold, stock s4
> turbo, and access to a 91 200t intake manifold. Has anyone had luck with a
> standalone fuel management system? I figure I could stack another head
> gasket on to bleed compression & go for broke. Does anyone have a good
> mechanic in the NYC area? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks. Mike

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