[Es2] eS2 Sedan Rally Car

Steve Eiche seiche at shadetreesoftware.com
Thu Feb 5 12:45:49 EST 2004

Hey, I have kidded Brendan about being able to finish the rally car in 
two weeks too.  Brendan has been confident the whole time and it's 
really coming together.  Letting me work on it will likely add six 
months to the project. :) 

Yes, the Grand Canyon was probably formed in less time than it will take 
me to finish it.  Hopefully my grand kids will see it completed.  In 
fact, seeing that my daughter is 3 now, I am reasonably confident that 
my grandchildren will see it completed.  It really has nothing to do 
with patience.  The real problem is how damn picky I am and how little 
time I have given it the last few years.

As an update, I just found a RR ur q carpet and exhaust, so now I can 
cut the floor and put in the pieces from the RR ur q floor that I have.  
Sooo, to actually start putting my car back together, I just need to get 
the misc. used suspension parts blasted and painted/coated, get a big 
box of bolts, brackets, etc. plated, modify the floor (easier than it 
sounds), finish painting the underbody and trunk interior, weld in the 
brackets for the ABS ECU and charcoal cannister (so much for getting all 
of the welding done before paint), and make some lines for the brake 
master to proportioning valve and ABS pump.  The complete RR wiring is 
ready to go, the fuel and brake lines are done, the engine just needs a 
little detailing, the trans is new ready to bolt up, hydraulic system is 
all new/rebuilt,  brakes are ready, the interior is ready, etc.  Hmmm, I 
should get going...  Honestly, if I were to put in the time, I am sure 
that I could get my car on the road in two weeks as well.  Was that just 
a quiet "Yeah, riiight Steve" that I just heard? :)


Jimmy Pribble wrote:

> Thanks again, Steve.  I hope I didn't sound negative with my 
> "seriously aggressive" comment; I wasn't being dubious.  I'm very 
> impressed when projects can come together quickly like that.  I wish I 
> could have done that.  I always used the BigMouse project (3B + Audi 
> 80 in 11 days or so) to try to motivate my crew, the Fluhr brothers.  
> "Come on guys, we look like chumps.  This guy is practically a 
> teenager and he did it by himself in two weeks!" I would say.  "Bah," 
> said Eric, "Your car will take two years."  And sure enough, he was 
> right.  :-(
> Of course, that's nothing compared to the UrQ RR project, which 
> progresses on a seemingly geological scale.  ;-)  I don't know how you 
> do it.
> Jimmy "has the patience of a cocaine monkey" Pribble 

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