[Es2] Wires, wires, wires

Darin Adlard audilard at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 25 20:38:29 EST 2004

I have been dismantling the interior of the 200 to
finally get to removing the harness.  The only real
big thing left to get out of the way is the heater
box.  I was hoping that I wouldn't be spending as much
time on the harness as I did with the engine....what a
pain.  What are everyone's suggestions for getting the
harness through the firewall.  Go towards the interior
or pull out through the engine side?  Engine side I
still have the tierods and steering rack in place
which keep the knuckles bloody and on the inside I'm
not sure where all the harness goes besides the ECU. 
Where does the other half go that snakes along back
behind the heater box?  I just want to know if there
is an easier way to do this......8-)  

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