[Es2] Project update...

Matt twentyV matt_20v at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 16 14:36:00 EDT 2004

--- Peter Schulz <pcschulz at comcast.net> wrote:
> Geez, I know that your guys like to hang out on
> other forums where you can 
> post pictures.....
> but its a ghost town here!

Well, all I have to report is a cracked windshield
from a stone hit that I can see but don't remember...
Windshield replacement on a coupe is always an 

> 42-44lbs air (hot) in the front drivers tire, I had
> significant roll-over 
> on the tread (over the letters!!!) 

Hmmm, might need to sell those 16's.  I'm running
235/40/17 Yoko AVS at similar pressure, very little 
rollover.  And I'm pretty aggressively trail braking 
and modulating the throttle to keep weight on the 
front end as much as possible.  But I'm a little
confused as I had run 205/55/16 on the track prior to 
the motor swap with nowhere near that much rollover.
But the 205's were Z-rated, they have much stiffer 
sidewalls.  What is the speed rating for your SP's?

> Brakes?  ....but the new motor 
> will need something better than the G60s...will have
> to look at options as 
> I currently have 2 sets of 16 inch 4x108 rims....5
> bolt conversion is ways off.

Only real reason for 5-bolt is much more wheel
While you can fit 4-piston brembo's under _some_
16" wheels, your best bet may be to go 17".  Ronal
and others have 4x108 options (I have Ronal R38s).
You really want wider than 205 with the big motor.

I'm running 2B's brake kit w/330mm rotors as it was
really the only bolt-on option at the time, but I
think BIRA now has a 4x108 package.


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