[Es2] Downpipe/exhaust

Brandon Hull Hull at cardinalpartners.com
Wed Mar 10 10:45:49 EST 2004

I have discovered just the greatest muffler shop right near Trenton in
NJ.  He has a regional reputation for Bracket racers and rice cars, but
also builds some serious hardware for PCA club racers.
I am sure he'd do a great job with something like this if someone were
to organize a GP.  Sadly it can't be me.

> Requests?
> Yeah.... how about getting a reputable exh. mfg. to do a 3" DP and 
> template
> for the rest of us?
> Stromung?
> Guys:
> Since I HAVE an S2 engine, pretty complete, with attached 
> downpipe , I'll take and post as many pictures as I can... 
> prolly to audiworld or my comcast homepage.

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