[Es2] Bailing out...for now

Tom Mullane tmullane at snet.net
Wed Mar 10 12:25:44 EST 2004

Hey guys,

After some soul searching, I have decided to hold off on my es2 project for
a while.  I just bought an A6 wagon that is going to require an infusion of
cash and time to sort out, and I have an S6 on its way out from California
that will require tons of time (fortunately I already have parts for most of
the planned mods).  And the Coupe still needs to have its nose straightened.
This, I find, is more than enough for one man.

I have already invested in a crashed S6 with 89k on it for a donor.  I will
list in the classifieds soon, and I know it is generally a " no - no" to
post classifeds here, but I wanted to give you guys first shot at it.  I
will sell whole or parts.  The ECU is missing, first gear makes noise, and
the Avus wheels have been removed, but there is plenty left.  I'd like to
move this fairly quickly and I am thinking that $3000 would take the car, or
$2500 would the engine and wiring.  The car was hit hard on the frame rail,
and the intercooler is toast, but the timing belt is unscathed.  The car is
in CT and I have a decent shop if you want to remove the engine here (lift,
engine hoist, air, refridgerator).  I would like to keep the Bilstein front
strut inserts for my S, if possible.


I am still hoping to do this swap at some point, but the cards seem to be
stacked against it right now.  Sorry for the WOB.


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