[Es2] Bailing out...for now
Miller, Chris
chris.miller at infofoundry.com
Wed Mar 10 13:57:48 EST 2004
The AAN ecu is a bit easier to find than the 3B (or was...). There are some chip venders out there who've had spare boxes they swapped out with customers. I think as the AAN continues to be further down the food chain, those venders might sell you one of their spares relatively cheaply...
Chris Miller
Training Development
[i] The Information Foundry at Robert Bentley, Inc.
Tel: 617.528.4113
Cell: 978.844.0293
mailto:chris.miller at infofoundry.com
-----Original Message-----
From: es2-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:es2-bounces at audifans.com]On
Behalf Of Matt twentyV
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 1:56 PM
To: es2 at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [Es2] Bailing out...for now
New ECU is something like $1200+ dealer only, used
ones are occassionally available on audifans
classifieds or ebay. I bought a used 3B ECU from
Force-5 for $800 and expect to get all of that back
if/when I decide to sell it (keeping a spare with
stock code has proven useful a couple times)...
--- Tom Mullane <tmullane at snet.net> wrote:
> Umm, yeah...about that steering wheel...
> forgot to mention - both bags are blown and the
> wheel is bent. The
> passenger bag obviously wrecks the dash and the
> windshield.
> Thanks for the plug on the motor price, Chris. I
> hope it is slightly on the
> cheaper side of fair. The missing ecu is a
> negative; pulling it yourself
> can be a plus or a minus - it's work, but you can
> label and take what you
> need.
> Tom
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Miller, Chris" <chris.miller at infofoundry.com>
> To: "Tom Mullane" <tmullane at snet.net>;
> <es2 at audifans.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 1:08 PM
> Subject: RE: [Es2] Bailing out...for now
> Tom: great price on the motor. I see no problem
> with listing classifieds
> here, as long as they are specific to conversions
> etc.
> If you're willing to part it, there are other parts
> people doing conversions
> might like (3-spoke steering wheel, front hubs,
> etc.).
> ---
> Chris Miller
> Training Development
> [i] The Information Foundry at Robert Bentley, Inc.
> Tel: 617.528.4113
> Cell: 978.844.0293
> mailto:chris.miller at infofoundry.com
> http://www.infofoundry.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: es2-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:es2-bounces at audifans.com]On
> Behalf Of Tom Mullane
> Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 12:25 PM
> To: es2 at audifans.com
> Subject: [Es2] Bailing out...for now
> Hey guys,
> After some soul searching, I have decided to hold
> off on my es2 project for
> a while. I just bought an A6 wagon that is going to
> require an infusion of
> cash and time to sort out, and I have an S6 on its
> way out from California
> that will require tons of time (fortunately I
> already have parts for most of
> the planned mods). And the Coupe still needs to
> have its nose straightened.
> This, I find, is more than enough for one man.
> I have already invested in a crashed S6 with 89k on
> it for a donor. I will
> list in the classifieds soon, and I know it is
> generally a " no - no" to
> post classifeds here, but I wanted to give you guys
> first shot at it. I
> will sell whole or parts. The ECU is missing, first
> gear makes noise, and
> the Avus wheels have been removed, but there is
> plenty left. I'd like to
> move this fairly quickly and I am thinking that
> $3000 would take the car, or
> $2500 would the engine and wiring. The car was hit
> hard on the frame rail,
> and the intercooler is toast, but the timing belt is
> unscathed. The car is
> in CT and I have a decent shop if you want to remove
> the engine here (lift,
> engine hoist, air, refridgerator). I would like to
> keep the Bilstein front
> strut inserts for my S, if possible.
> I am still hoping to do this swap at some point, but
> the cards seem to be
> stacked against it right now. Sorry for the WOB.
> Tom
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