[Es2] CLUTCH, Intake Manifold Threadjack:-)

Alexander van Gerbig avangerb at zoo.uvm.edu
Wed Mar 10 18:33:57 EST 2004

    Howdy!  I am just chiming in for the first time in a while on this list,
but I have an RS4 clutch/pp and an RS2 pp sitting awaiting some test fitting
for my conversion.  I will hopefully have the 7A out of the 90 this weekend
and then I can start tinkering with flywheel and clutch/pp combinations.
The RS4 and RS2 pressure plates look fairly different, so we shall see which
takes the cake, if either of them.  Anyone have experience using either
setup/combo with a stock 01A 5 speed?

    I will surely be letting people know what I find works and what does
not.  What I do really need right now is a forwards opening intake manifold.
I've got a lead on a Wagner unit, but folks multiple folks have told me it's
a rough piece, haven't had one in my hands yet.  The Dahlback welded unit
was $2k+, paid less for the motor, and it's coming down to having one
fabricated.  PPI and Minhea have both mentioned units in testing/not
finished, but I would to have something in hand in a month.  Anyone have a
lead on something, or hell even a Wagner manifold they wouldn't mind parting

    Worst comes to worst I chop the stock AAN plenum off, have someone weld
an alu tube onto the stock runners and weld the TB flange onto that.  The
3B/RS2 orientation is a no go with my intercooler setup.


Alexander van Gerbig


Waitsfield, VT 05673

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