[Es2] correction on flywheels

Steve Eiche seiche at shadetreesoftware.com
Sat Mar 13 21:42:53 EST 2004

Don't worry about the long pins.  They are only used at the factory. 
The pin on the engine side is what the ECU uses for timing reference.


Rick Houck wrote:

> Guys,
> I seem to have made an incorrect assumption on the 7A and 3B fws. After
> mounting both on the crank, and making careful measurements today, I find
> that the front-side timing pin that I thought was located differently is
> actually in the same postition on both. It is the line on the outside
> diameter (timing mark) that is different between the two. My bad. Sorry for
> any confusion.
> Seems that the best solution will be to scrap the 3B fw , and use a
> lightened 7A with the ball type pilot bearing. I plan to use the 3B pressure
> plate, just in case it has stronger springs, and the stock coupe release
> bearing.
> Two questions:
> 1. What other 240mm clutch disks have the correct hub splines for the 01A
> input shaft, but are made for the added torque?
> 2. Do I need to worry about the two long pins on the back-side of the fw?
> These ARE way different between the two.
> Humbly yours,
> Rick
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