[Es2] Coupe Transmission cont'd

JSLevitt959 at aol.com JSLevitt959 at aol.com
Tue May 4 10:03:17 EDT 2004

Good morning all,
Does anyone have threshold power #'s?
It fascinates me how many opinions/stories there are on this subject.
I have a coupe with a non-3B engine mated to the stock tranny.
The car has about 2 months before it is due to run, but this tranny issue is the most concerning for me.
What type of power do people claim they have produced (WHP) with stock tranny. 

Thank you,
91 VW GTI VR6'd for sale
91 Audi CQ - still a 20v  ;)
03 - Jeep "Libby" Renegade

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