[Es2] info needed on 20v AAN install into coupe 20v

Jimmy Pribble Jimmy at texasbankers.com
Wed Oct 20 08:46:14 EDT 2004


Thanks for the update.

If you want to use the AAN intake manifold, you will probably need to
angle the radiator, as was done in the Sport Quattro and early rally
cars.  I personally know of an AAN UrQuattro with the same problem and
this was his solution.  Mounting the radiator in this way should be very
easy.  You also won't be able to use factory radiator hoses, but that is
also easily solved with an Earl's catalog.  ;-)

Photo of factory Sport Quattro radiator location:

An S2 wiring harness is absolutely the way to go.  Obviously, you will want
to make sure that you are getting any ABY harness and not a 3B harness.

Good luck,

Jimmy Pribble

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