[Es2] anyone have a working WGFV I could borrow?

Ben Klumper bklumper at mdbworld.com
Thu Sep 2 19:54:04 EDT 2004

I'm still trying to diagnose the lack of low end power in my car. I've been told that if the timing belt is off 1-2 teeth (retarding timing) it'll cause a loss of low-end power. Can anyone confirm this? Also, has anyone made a home-made boost leak tester that I might be able to borrow as well?

Thanks in advance,


Ben Klumper
McKinley Dang Burkart Design Group
103, 1111-11th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta
T2R 0G5
p. 403.229.2037 e.231
f.  403.229.2517

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