[Es2] Re: [s-cars] clutch problem

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 6 18:35:40 EDT 2005

if one front axleshaft breaks, then no wheels will get power.

the torque biasing capability of the torsen is a ratio.  the torque
delivered to the side with the most traction is a multiple of the torque
delivered to the side with the least traction.  if one side has no traction,
it will not get any torque sent to it, and the other side will get several
times that zero torque; i.e. zero.

the front differential is open, and the side that has the least traction
will get the most power.  in this case, it's the side with the broken

if you break a rear axleshaft, you can manually lock the differential
to force power to be delivered to the other rear wheel, or EDL will take
care of that for you.


--- Bill Clancy <clancybill at yahoo.com> wrote:
> So you guys are saying that if one axle shaft breaks then no wheels will get
> power?
> I see how a broken front axle would cause this on a FWD version, but why
> does the center diff not supply any power to the rear?    Is that the
> "design" thing?   Would the same thing happen if the front wheels were on
> ice?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Matt twentyV" <matt_20v at yahoo.com>
> To: <Elijahallen92 at aol.com>; <wmahoney at disk.com>; <s-car-list at audifans.com>;
> <es2 at audifans.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 2:48 PM
> Subject: Re: [Es2] Re: [s-cars] clutch problem
> As I'm fond of saying to our Test Engineering guys,
> "works as designed".  You are seeing the effect of the
> front open differential.
> -Matt
> --- Elijahallen92 at aol.com wrote:
> > Bill and all,
> >  Ok I just went out and jacked the car up so that
> > one front wheel was  off
> > the ground. With car in gear and clutch out I could
> > turn the wheel about a  half
> > turn and then it would get tight but with a little
> > pressure would break  free
> > again and turn to that point. If 3 of 4 wheels are
> > on the ground I  shouldn't
> > be able to turn the whell thats off the ground
> > correct? When I have  the wife
> > turn the wheel while I look at the axels and cv
> > joints I can see the  one she
> > is turning turn normal and the other front is not
> > moveing. How are the
> > flanges on the tranny attach to the tranny? Is it
> > possible one of them is  slipping
> > at that point?
> >
> > Elijah
> >
> > Elijahammered
> >
> > "..there was a clunk like I popped the clutch or
> > something.  There is still normal pedal feel but
> > when I let out on  the
> > clutch in any
> >
> > gear I  get no grab. What could this  be??"
> >
> >
> >
> > Elijah,
> >
> > I'm going to guess that somehow someway one  of the
> > axle shafts came loose
> > and uncoupled.
> >
> > BTDT  one  wheel no go =  all wheels no go.
> >
> > Take a looksee  underneath.
> >
> > Only other probable may be a blown slave cylinder.
> > attached  to the
> > transmission.  Look for fluid there.  But I've only
> > heard of  that once on
> > list IIRC.
> >
> > HTH
> >
> > Bill M
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