[Es2] 6 speed swap troubles

Ben Klumper bklumper at mdbworld.com
Mon Aug 29 22:49:17 EDT 2005

You might want to x-reference the pn's (CQ & RS2) on the family album site 
to see if they're the same. Also, is there a spacer ring required between 
the back of the block and the bell housing? Just thinking out loud.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <elijahallen92 at aol.com>
To: <es2 at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 6:27 PM
Subject: [Es2] 6 speed swap troubles

> Hey guys, ok little recap of progress, car is running well other than 
> MAF's being eaten every week or so (think I have this problem figured 
> out), I am putting the DSY 6 speed in this weekend and first problem is I 
> can't get it to go in reverse, I have the RS2 shift linkage and shifter 
> but as soon as it feels like its going in it just stops. Second problem is 
> the clutch pedal feels like it only goes part way down before it just 
> stops. This is the same clutch and pressure plate that I used with the 
> stock coupe tranny, could this be the problem?? Also, is the coupe TOB the 
> same as the AAN TOB (throw out bearing)?
> Elijah
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