[Es2] Shaking it up!!!!

Miller, Chris chris.miller at infofoundry.com
Tue Jan 11 15:20:42 EST 2005

Hi Darin,
My time over the holidays was spent shoveling snow and fixing the house,
not working on the engine conversion.  Still hoping to find some time in
the next month or so to shovel the snow off the parts car and pull the
motor... 3" snow forecast tonight... 

Hope to put the coupe in the barn this week and start on the other stuff
(body work) etc.

Need to find a pile of money somewhere to afford a clutch and some other
conversion parts...


-----Original Message-----
From: es2-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:es2-bounces at audifans.com] On
Behalf Of Darin Adlard
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 3:12 PM
To: es2 at audifans.com
Subject: [Es2] Shaking it up!!!!

What's up fellas!!!!??

The es2 list is dwindling.  No matter, I will press forward with my
project all the same! 8-)  The engine is completely disconnected from
all its wiring with most of the independent components of the engine bay
removed (ie radiator, carbon cannister, air box, etc.
etc.) and just a few tranny bolts holding it in place.
 I trying to locate an engine hoist to make some more progress, but now
tax season is starting and I have no time.  To make matters worse, we
found some wood rot underneath the stucco of our home and the tax return
just got swallow by that upcoming repair bill.  I've got a little $$ put
away for some necessary parts as well as the 034IIc I've decided to
install.  I figure if I'm going to mess with wiring, might as well do it
once and avoid any ECU shipments to and from for chip upgrades.  

How is everyone?


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