[Es2] Update...sort of...

Darin Adlard audilard at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 17 13:18:07 EST 2005

Went out and bought an engine hoist from Checkers this
weekend.  Crazy thing had MASSIVE standard bolts
(larger than 15/16 wrench I had) that I had to
tighten.  I figure I'll be using it more than twice so
I thought it was a good investment.  Guess what I'm
doing this coming Saturday.........................
Wrong!!! I'll be working! 8-(  Maybe, just maybe I'll
find some time to pull the 7A out.  I can't wait to
clean the engine bay and since the car is need of new
paint I'm think of going with a different Audi blue. 

Here are my selections, tell me what you think.

1st:  Nautical blue (rare and more blue than lago)
2nd:  Oceanic blue (urq color)
3rd:  Helios...

Here are some random Nautical pics:

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