[Es2] MAF to intake side of turbo

Elijahallen92 at aol.com Elijahallen92 at aol.com
Mon Jun 6 09:09:57 EDT 2005

 Yes I have read all those writeups on the S2 forum (one of them is  mine), 
thats what has me interested, I also have talked to Mihnea and he has  remapped 
a couple of these cars with good results and they claim the throttle  
responce to be better with the MAF on that side. Mihnea is going to try to make  it 
to Michigan this summer it sounds like so I just want to have all my eggs in  
one basket for when he is here and this is a mod I could move fairly easy from  
stock location to the other side so if it didn't seem to be what I was 
looking  for I could change it back. I will keep the list posted on my findings,

In a message dated 6/6/2005 12:30:17 AM Eastern Standard Time,  
auditude at gmail.com writes:


Oh my gosh, I can actually comment on something and have it  add something. =)

I haven't done the mod, but I have read about the  cars that have had
it done.  The airflow on the pressure side of the  turbo is actually
less, because it is denser than before the turbo (well,  intercooler). 
I believe not ripping out the maf wire is one of the  benefits of doing

I suppose the idea is that the air mass is  about the same on either
side, but the software can be optimized so that it  remains as trouble
free as with the original location.

Elijah, I  don't know if you have read through all the past S2forum
threads on it, but  it's been discussed a decent amount on there. 
Basically if you can get  someone like Mihnea to custom map your car,
you can move the maf there if  you want.  It's sort of suggested that
you leave it before the turbo,  but I do recall that the maf wire is
less likely to be sucked through than  before the turbo, because say x
amount of intake air is slower but denser  on that  side.


Well  anyway, those threads have some info.  From memory, I think  it's
healthier for the wire to be on the pressure side, but things  like
part throttle driveability might be adversely affected if a  remap
isn't done.

It sure makes for a cleaner intake setup in some  installs.


On 6/5/05, CaptMagu at aol.com  <CaptMagu at aol.com> wrote:
> Elijah
> I dont think  this would be a good idea. There are numerous listers that 
> pulled  the hot wire with MAF overflow in its current location. With the
>  compression and force of the turbo, won't the air be travelling faster at 
this  point
> in the charge air tract? Its also my understanding that the mass  of the
> airflow is read because of the change of resistance in that  little hot 
wire as air
> flows over it. If you change the temperature of  that air you should be
> changing this equation a good amount.
> Hap,wit dakine airflow thoughts from Evahboost,  Maguire

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