[Es2] V8 torsen rear diff on coupe S2

Bluemaxww1 at aol.com Bluemaxww1 at aol.com
Tue Jun 21 16:29:56 EDT 2005

I talked to a dealer that I have been buying parts from since 1981.  Gives me 
deal on parts.

He said he could supply 5+ rear V8 torson units at $1400ea plus the shipping. 
 This is about 300 less than retail.  This is about the same price as a 
Quaife.  Of course, no Quaifes are made for drop-ins, in our rear diffs.  There are 
none in the country, in the Audi supply system, at this time.  He would have 
to order them from Germany, and I am sure he would not do this without the 
funds up front.  He would sell them through me, so I would probably have to take 
out a resellers permit, so taxes could be avoided for those not in a CA.

I would be willing to take care of the handling for the shipping.


Let me know.

Greg W. 

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