[Es2] custom RS2 caliper brackets: feeler post

Richard Tanimura richard.tanimura at gmail.com
Tue May 10 00:58:08 EDT 2005

This probably needs some elaboration.

First there are early(A8E?) and late A8 disks. I am guessing that A8L
stands for late because it is not any official Audi designation I
know. As for calipers there are also RS2 standard (RS2S) and RS2
optional (RS2O) if we stick with the convention. These are different
from the 996/BoxterS calipers.

My setup is A8E+RS2 brackets+RS2S calipers. These need washers. I have
a german reference somewhere with pics.

I have no direct experience with the 996 caliper + A8L disk + RS2
bracket. I have heard it is a straight bolt on.

I see now that I should have kept my mouth shut. This is kind of a
bucket of worms. Maybe the best thing is probably to just replicate
the RS2 bracket in the spirit of keeping one factor constant. The
alternative is to start making custom brackets for every concievable
disk/caliper combination which may be the road to madness.


On 5/9/05, Ben Klumper <bklumper at mdbworld.com> wrote:
> Richard,
> That's a great point. I didn't realize that spacers were required. There's
> no mention of this on the following website:
> http://forums.fourtitude.com/zerothread?id=1315513
> This is the exact setup I am going with (323x30 rotors w/ 996 calipers). I
> will do some test fitting and if there are spacers required, I'll look at
> incorporating these dimensions into the brackets. Otherwise, they'll be the
> exact dimensions of the RS2 brackets.
> Thanks for the info!
> Ben
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Richard Tanimura" <richard.tanimura at gmail.com>
> To: "Ben Klumper" <bklumper at mdbworld.com>
> Cc: "eS2 List" <es2 at audifans.com>
> Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 2:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [Es2] custom RS2 caliper brackets: feeler post
> Ben,
> Just some BTDT. I have a Euro S2.
> I have upgraded my calipers to RS2s. Using the RS2 brackets on S2 hubs
> over A8 disks is fine. EXCEPT that I found (and others as well) the
> you need to use a number of washers between the bracket and the hub to
> get the caliper centered on the disk AND washers between the bracket
> and the caliper to get the caliper spaced correctly from the center of
> the disk.
> So the real cat's pajamas would be to have modified RS2 brackets that
> add the thickness of those washers to the bracket itself. That would
> make the caliper upgrade a true bolt-on.
> Just my $0.02 CAD
> Rich
> On 5/9/05, Ben Klumper <bklumper at mdbworld.com> wrote:
> > I was able to obtain an OEM RS2 caliper bracket which is currently being
> > replicated at a local machine shop from 1/2" (12.7mm) steel angle. The
> > one-off mock-up will be ready on Friday for my inspection. If I like it
> > (ie: if it is an EXACT dimensional copy) then I will be ordering a pair
> > for myself. Obviously it is more cost effective to run multiple sets so
> > I'd like to ask if anyone would be interested in a set for themselves. If
> > I can get 10 people for a 'group purchase', the cost would be $120
> > CDN/pair ($95 USD/pair) plus shipping which is less than half the cost of
> > the OEM. I will snap a few pics of the prototype when I pick it up.
> >
> > Ben
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