[Es2] custom RS2 caliper brackets: feeler post

Kenneth Keith auditude at gmail.com
Tue May 17 13:01:03 EDT 2005

It's actually "lang", right?  German for long?  I thought the diameter
was in the ballpark of 322mm or so.

I still intended to put a pair of those rotors on my 200q20v, with RS2
brackets, and 993tt calipers, now that I can fit them under the 18"s. 
Unless I hear of some accurate and compelling reason not to, of


On 5/17/05, Jimmy Pribble <Jimmy at texasbankers.com> wrote:
> > First there are early(A8E?) and late A8 disks. I am guessing that A8L
> > stands for late because it is not any official Audi designation I
> > know.
> Sorry, just a late point of clarification, A8L means A8 LONG.  This is the
> extended wheelbase A8.  The rotor (245 mm) is the same as on the late S8.  I
> wouldn't recommend this rotor on any application, since each weighs about
> the same as the USS Northampton.
> All new A8 sold in the US are "long" models, so the designation has been
> dropped here.
> Jimmy

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