[Es2] V-belts

livinotte at cox.net livinotte at cox.net
Mon Dec 4 00:09:05 EST 2006

Hi guys.

I'm having some form of an issues with brakes/powersteering.   While I tackle the issuse I figured I work on an issuse with the belts.   I have a stock 13mm x 992 belt on my setup with a 7a crank pulley.   However it's a pain in the ass to get on and it rubs on the timing belt cover.

I just ordered online:

13mm x 1000mm and a 13mm x 1030mm

13mm x 1030mm is the ABY factory size belt.   However I changed the crank pulley, the powersteering pump is a 7a unit, the powersteering pulley is a 7a unit, and the powersteering mounts are identical to the 7a units.

So I'm stumped.    I'm hoping that either 1000mm or 1030mm clears the timing belt cover and helps resolve some of the issuses with the car.

I'm getting "brake light"  from autocheck and I think the pedal feel is a bit messed up.   It could be the bomb, master cylinder, or powersteering pump.    I started on the powersteering pulley project resolution because I was attempting to fix the brake problem.   However the powersteering pump I bought from javad a while ago is different than the unit in my car.   The hydraulic brake pump size on the pump is different(smaller) than the unit in my car).    I think it's part # .........K    If anyone's interested in it I might sell or I might convert it into a non brake assisted pump for my sedan project.    I might get it drilled and tapped for my size fiting too but that means I got to take the thing apart and I have the tools but I've got mixed emotions about it.     However the price of a new/ refurbished pump might play a big role in my choices.    


Anyone have issues with belts and timing belt covers?


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