[Es2] things that tend to break on es2's at the track

Steve Eiche seiche at shadetreesoftware.com
Wed Jun 7 13:01:01 EDT 2006

A larger IC will make the coolant and oil run hotter.  This is because 
you will be increasing the charge density, thus making more power, which 
makes more heat.   A bigger radiator is the way to go.  With a big 
radiator, you can get rid of the aux radiator (nice spot for a bigger 
oil cooler), but I would not remove it if you are using a stock size 

For cars running lots of boost, a bigger oil cooler is a necessity for 
track events, etc.  This is because oil is used to cool the pistons, 
like water is used to cool the block and head.  If you are only taking 
care of the coolant, you are only doing half of the job.


Richard Tanimura wrote:

>That's interesting Dave. I have an S2 where I removed the aux cooler and I
>would agree with you. I think it made a small difference and I am running
>slightly hotter than before. In retrospect, I think Audi put in the aux rad
>for a reason.
>I have heard it argued that a larger IC, by lowering the charge temp, will
>lower engine temps. The lower intake temps propogate through the engine.
>Makes sense to me.
>I have not done it yet, but my idea was to remove the aux rad to make room
>for a larger IC. I figured the effect of the larger IC would cancel the
>effect of the aux rad removal. So far I have only gotten half way.

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