[Es2] things that tend to break on es2's at the track

Adam Ordway adam.ordway at boston.ehr.com
Wed Jun 7 18:01:43 EDT 2006

Good point Elijah, I almost forgot about my toasty feet from the 300
mile ride that day.  The fan just blows/sucks that hot air right against
the backside of the foot well.  Need to add to the shopping list the
most vented sneaks I can find (and some odor eaters).  I do have a spare
B4 hood I could experiment with, hmmmmm.


Thanks everyone for all of the tips, I'll do my best to hit everything I
can.  Elijah has already done a hell of a job building the car with the
track in mind.  


Elijah, with rain in the forecast and the intake still in the same spot
do you think I should pick up a MAF or 2? 






From: elijahallen92 at aol.com [mailto:elijahallen92 at aol.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 5:43 PM
To: Adam Ordway; chris.miller at infofoundry.com; pcschulz at comcast.net;
richard.tanimura at gmail.com; davekase at pdqlocks.com
Cc: es2 at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [Es2] things that tend to break on es2's at the track



 Ducting to the radiator was always something I wanted to do but never
got around to. What I really wanted to do was vent the hood behind the
radiator because if you look behind it there is not really anywhere for
the air to go even if you do get it ducted better. It will just make an
air dam like if you are wearing a coat with a hood that covers your head
out in front of your face. Even when you walk into the wind the air will
barley touch your face. Sorry, that was the only example I could think
of, hehe.


-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Ordway <adam.ordway at boston.ehr.com>
To: Miller, Chris <chris.miller at infofoundry.com>; Peter Schulz
<pcschulz at comcast.net>; Richard Tanimura <richard.tanimura at gmail.com>;
David Kase <davekase at pdqlocks.com>
Cc: es2 at audifans.com
Sent: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 11:32:18 -0400
Subject: Re: [Es2] things that tend to break on es2's at the track

I guess it will be a somewhat easy test given the weather forecast but

it currently has no ducting to it with much tubing in front but does

retain a fan and shroud on the backside.  




The only day I have really driven it more than 5 minutes it ran between

80 and 90 on a warm day of easy highway cruising.




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