[Es2] S2 opportunity

David Kase davekase at pdqlocks.com
Wed Mar 8 09:51:03 EST 2006

I agree with Brandon but he right in that the transfer of the VIN to the 
S2 is illegal while the other way around is not.

Some claim there are hidden VIN tags on the chassis and if checked, the 
S2 could be "found out".  I don't know why that would happen or what the 
consequences would be.

Dave Kase

Brandon Hull wrote:

>Having studied the eS2 opportunity for over ten years, (and in fact
>having coined the term eS2 :-)  I must say that I think this is the way
>to go.  Import an S2 as a parts car, (this is the hard part) then do a
>"total transplant" to a US legal Coupe quattro chassis.  I don't know
>about the specific legalities but of course the easiest way to do this
>would be to transplant the VIN numbered bits of the recipient car to the
>parts car rather than take all the parts off the donor car.  
>>I don't see why you couldn't do the same with an S2.  Just 
>>use your existing Cq as the recipient.  I don't know the 
>>chassis differences between an S2 v. Cq.  But, if major, one 
>>could cut the VIN areas off the Cq and transfer to the S2.  
>>My colleague has informed me there is only one spot on the 
>>Rover that he would have to do this with.
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