[Es2] The last word

Kenneth Keith auditude at gmail.com
Fri Mar 10 13:08:18 EST 2006

I'm sure European bumpers are just as effective as the DOT bumpers for
going under the metal bumpers of SUV's. =)


On 3/10/06, desmo888 at comcast.net <desmo888 at comcast.net> wrote:
> What??  The front and rear bumpers are made of sturdy plastic/fiberglass that bolt directly to the frame with absolutely not a single piece of metal in them.  They should hold up to most any bug strike...
> Dave Kase
> '90 CQ with S2 bumpers front and rear - driving around with arse puckered...
>  -------------- Original message ----------------------
> From: Peter Schulz <pcschulz at comcast.net>
> > Richard:
> >
> > Its really less of an engine thing ( the emissions controls are
> > identical) and more of a safety thing ( glass, bumper, airbags, etc)...
> >
> > The bumper (or lack thereof) is the contributing factor that made the
> > S2 unsuitable for the North America...
> >
> > -Peter

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