[Es2] Time to cut some wire!

Mike Teter mike at nittigritti.com
Wed Oct 11 03:17:46 EDT 2006

Howdy folks,

We had snow on the roof this morning and the CQ is still a work-in- 
progress. So, it's time to get moving on this 3B swap or I'll miss  
the entire ski season.

I think I'm done removing things and maybe turned the corner on the  
project. Still working on the best choice for the driveshaft swap  
with the 6-speed tranny. There's a couple of Audifans offering 4kQ  
driveshafts, so one will be on hand soon. I suppose I should replace  
the center bearing now and save the trouble of doing it later. Any BTDT?

I've settled on relocating the battery to the area behind the fuel  
tank. Just looks easier to do now and I can always move it under the  
seat later.

Time for the wiring merge between the 200 harness and the existing CQ  
snakes-nest. I pulled the dash out to have clear access to all the  
wiring, but now that I've studied the wiring spreadsheets (90.xls &  
200.xls), I'm thinking I could have left the dash in place. I guess  
it's a good time to clean out the vents and fan housing, so not a  
total waste. It's interesting to me that the spreadsheets seem to  
indicate that there are only a small number of wires to be spliced  
and that most of the original 90 wires and connectors are kept inside  
the car. Am I missing something here? Where do I connect the 200  
harness to the fusebox? What have others done with the 90 harness?  
How much of the original wiring is kept in place? etc. etc.

As usual, thank you in advance for the advice.

Hope all is well with you,

Mike Teter

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