[Es2] 6-speed

Sean cole v8coupe at gmail.com
Mon Dec 24 18:19:48 PST 2007


I have a link for you.  I hope it can shed some light on this for you.  I do
need 2 set of 108mm flanges for my 6-speed's as they have they 130mm
toroidal axles.



On Dec 24, 2007 4:58 PM, Ben Swann <benswann at verizon.net> wrote:

> Sean,
> Thanks for the reply.  I don't understand what you mean about the axles -
> will 4000
> Quattro axles fit the bill?  You mention 100mm - is that the
> inner/transmission flange
> from a 4000 Quattro?  Please explain further.  If I just swap flanges from
> the 4kq trans
> which I have and you need the ones from the RS2 trans, I may be able to do
> that.  I take
> the flanges from the CQ trans are different.
> Do you have a source for these components?  Are you selling any?  I will
> most likely
> need the shift linkage components - any part numbers?  Anyone have Family
> Album for the
> E cars?
> Part numbers for the trans mounts/source? Do they cross-over to any
> domestic vehicle?
> Can I use a spacer to extend CQ flanges, or chop off to make shorter?
>  What is different
> about them?
> I'm even more confused about the clutch, but will do a fit check with
> sever clutch
> setups I have - surely the AAN clutch setup should mate with this trans.
> Or do they use
> something different for some odd reason.  Transmission numbers for mine
> are:
> Transmission is 6 Speed from S2 (Canadian).  Numbers are
> Bellhousing:
> 01E 301 103     31.5230.00
> Transfer Case:
> 01E 301211      815.0070890     1814 V4
> Final Diff:
> 01E 301 201 L   MWK1
> Ben
> -----Original Message-----
> From: es2-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:es2-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf
> Of Sean cole
> Sent: Monday, December 24, 2007 5:03 PM
> To: es2 at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [Es2] 6-speed
> Ben at al.
> I've got all the parts needed to do this for a V8 6-speed combo in 91 CQ.
> Here is the list for an AAN CQ
> 1 flywheel from a 01A 7A (01A and 01E use the same splines)
> 1 Clutch for the 7A flywheel/6-speed (from 034 or who ever)
> 1 RS2 shifter (different then stock and very expensive)
> 1 set of RS2 front axles (or put the 100mm flanges out of a 4kq 016 into
> the
> 108mm flanges and sell me the flanges)
> 1 4kq drive shaft.
> 1 set of RS2 transmission mounts (or fabricate your own)
> That is just about everything you I'm doing this from memory so I might
> have
> missed something.
> Sean
> V8's rock
> 90 V8q getting a built 4.2L and 6-speed
> 91 CQ getting a V8 6-speed and much much more.
> > Message: 1
> > Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2007 14:19:33 -0500
> > From: "Ben Swann" <benswann at verizon.net>
> > Subject: Re: [Es2] knock, knock,. anyone home? ES2 Radiator choices.
> > To: "'Peter Schulz'" <pcschulz at comcast.net>,    <es2 at audifans.com>
> > Message-ID: <01f101c84661$ea8dc230$0201a8c0 at swansong>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> >
> > Here's one for some real ES2 content - I have questions regarding
> > installation of the
> > RS2/ES2 6 speed transmission into the '90 Coupe Quattro.
> >
> > I recently got a European Spec Transmission from 6 Speed ES2 in Canada -
> > supposedly the
> > same transmission from an RS2.
> >
> > Questions are basically what else do I need to do the
> > conversion/installation?
> >
> > The engine is an AAN from '94 S4 and has the spring loaded flywheel for
> > the clutch -
> > will this work OK and is this sufficient for moderate power increase
> over
> > stock?  So far
> > I have confirmed spine count is the same as for the AAN clutch disk and
> > 200 clutch
> > disks.  The coupe Q flywheel and clutch are different, and so definitely
> > wont work with
> > AAN clutch setup, but I'm installing 6 speed trans, so just trying to
> make
> > sure the
> > clutch is right.
> >
> > Next, I understand the transmission mounts are different, but have no
> > parts numbers or
> > info. on which ones to use or a source.
> >
> > Same with the shift linkage.  That and I understand the axle half shafts
> > may be
> > different length.
> >
> > So I'm looking for information on the 6 speed transmission conversion
> and
> > any parts
> > sources for this.  Maybe there is a kit to do this conversion.
> >
> > Ben
> >
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