[Es2] Determining the value of the eS2

Tom Vandervoort tvandervoort at msn.com
Sat May 12 12:55:31 EDT 2007

Ben, Brandon:  Hi Guys.  As an eS2 lurker and the continuing owner of eS2 II 
(the car after Brandon's), I can provide you with a value based on a fender 
bender I had some years ago.  It may take me a day or two to dig up the 
valuation letter due to a busy weekend.

The appraisal is from a specialized exotic car appraiser retained by my 
insurance company and that of the person who hit my car.  They agreed to the 
third party appraisal after my insurer stated that the car was worth more 
than a 1991 Coupe Quattro.

As I recall, the value in the letter is $26,000, a number right in line with 
Brandon's.  Stay tuned, guys, I have the letter for you shortly.

Es2 II, modified and maintained by 2Bennett in Califorina
Winters in CA, Summers in MN
Just back from a track junkie 9-day trip to Road Atlanta, VIR, and Grattan 
in Michigan

>From: es2-request at audifans.com
>Reply-To: es2 at audifans.com
>To: es2 at audifans.com
>Subject: Es2 Digest, Vol 43, Issue 4
>Date: Sat, 12 May 2007 12:00:02 -0400
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>Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: determining the value of the e//S2 (Brandon Hull)
>Message: 1
>Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 15:51:47 -0400
>From: "Brandon Hull" <Hull at cardinalpartners.com>
>Subject: Re: [Es2] determining the value of the e//S2
>To: "Ben Klumper" <bklumper at mdbworld.com>,	"eS2 List"
>	<es2 at audifans.com>
>Cc: cgans at shaw.ca
>	<BD9C57D01BDC7D43B8B27AE4BC8D8E190197F8EC at cardinal01.CardinalNJ.local>
>Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"
>Some first hand experience:
>I got an 'agreed value' policy based on receipts from the work that was
>done.  I think the value was $25K.  When I crashed the car, damage was
>$12K and they paid the claim even though blue book on a '91 coupe q was
>about $5K.  However, the car was on the market for a year at ~$20K
>without finding a real buyer and eventually sold for $15K.  (total sum
>invested?  ~$60K!)
>I think that should say it all!
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: es2-bounces at audifans.com
> > [mailto:es2-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Ben Klumper
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 5:26 PM
> > To: eS2 List
> > Cc: cgans at shaw.ca
> > Subject: [Es2] determining the value of the e//S2
> >
> >
> > Hey guys,
> >
> > I'm trying to determine the value of my e//S2 for insurance
> > purposes. As some of you might know, I had a very minor
> > accident that busted the front bumper, one headlamp and fog
> > lamp and pushed the front grille part of the hood in by about
> > an inch. Purely cosmetic damage, but my insurance co wants to
> > write the car off because they seem to think the car's only
> > worth $5400. So I'm looking for any ads (eBay, Audifans,
> > etc.) or bills of sale for recently purchased *complete*
> > e//S2 conversions that I can take to my insurance co. to back
> > up my claim that the car is indeed worth more than just the
> > black book value of a '91 Cq.
> >
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > Ben
> > __________
> >
> > Ben Klumper, Architect AAA
> > McKinley Dang Burkart Design Group + Eleven Eleven
> > Architecture 103, 1111-11th Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2R
> > 0G5 p. 403.229.2037 e.231 f.  403.229.2517
> > _______________________________________________
> > Es2 mailing list
> > Es2 at audifans.com
> > http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/es2
> >
> >
>Es2 mailing list
>Es2 at audifans.com
>End of Es2 Digest, Vol 43, Issue 4

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