[Es2] S2 shift linkage - pro con 10 interference

tim roman troman71 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 31 18:46:58 PST 2009

Hey guys,

I'm wondering if any of you (Ben, maybe in particular) have experience with
an O1e in a Coupe Quattro, with an S2 shift linkage. I've got the engine,
subframe, tranny, and linkage installed, but the linkage is hitting the
driver's side pro con 10 bracket, and won't get into the 5th/6th gear

Has anyone encountered this?

Has anyone installed a european CGR O1e with S2 shift linkage into a Coupe

We're thinking that maybe the pro con 10 bracket is specific to the tranny,
and that the euro O1e bracket is smaller than the US O1a bracket?

Any thoughts?

I'm trying to track down euro-ETKA to compare part numbers for the brackets.


Tim Roman

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