[Es2] shifters

Mark Siggelkow audi.rscoupe at gmail.com
Wed Oct 13 11:48:33 PDT 2010


If you are looking for a CQ shifter assembly, I have one with the Bilzcat
short-shift pieces I'd be willing to sell (I'm using the 034/JHM piece in
the race car).
$75.00 shipped.

Mark Siggelkow

On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 11:19 AM, Ben Swann <benswann at verizon.net> wrote:

> Both - the ball and socket portion of the selector shaft, as well as the
> Ball/Cage in
> the shift shaft are wasted.  I have done my provisional repairs - pretty
> good actually,
> but need to replace with repairs that will be permanent and long lasting.
>  I will use
> like this until I am able to have what I need to make the permanent lasting
> repairs.
> I'm checking out 034 short shift kit for the B3/coupe quattro among others
> -
> recommendations?  I have a kit originally Billzcat for the 200/V8 cars, but
> is way
> different.
> Any idea if there is some difference in throw between the RS2 shifter/cage
> for the 01E
> six speed and the one for the Coupe Quattro 5 speed?  I did not see a
> difference in the
> two, but they have different part number - probably just the prefix for RS2
> and the
> suffix D on the lever.  Both assemblies - the part inside the car - shaft,
> cage,
> ball&Socket, etc. were nearly identical for the Coupe Q and the RS2.  There
> was a slight
> difference in the thing called a "buffer" that acts as a reverse catch and
> is mounted at
> the bottom of the cage.  Other than that they seemed identical and came
> apart in the
> same way - separation of the rubber that is press fit into the cage.  Just
> wondering if
> I need to be concerned with the ability to get all the gears using an OE
> spec. shifter
> made for the CQ with the RS2 01E trans and selector linkage.
> Other than that, I think a nice billet short shifter kit would be the ideal
> fix for
> that.
> Ben
> *-*-*Passing this thread info. to the audifans lists*-*-*
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jack Cameron Dean [mailto:jackcdean at gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:52 AM
> To: Ben Swann
> Subject: Re: shifters
> The ball and socket it most likely whats fuct in the rs2 linkage 034 now
> carries the jhm
> solid fix for that.
> On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 10:29 AM, Ben Swann <benswann at verizon.net> wrote:
> OK - Yeah, I know about the price.  I had a friend source me the RS2
> linkage while he
> was in Germany.
> For $500 I got a piece of crap that was falling apart.
> That is why I sourced the second linkage - another $250.  I did not compare
> the selector
> rods until I went to install and that is when I  found they were quite
> different.  So I
> have definitely paid the piper.
> Too bad you can't always verify what you are getting before-hand and no
> recourse to get
> a refund when getting these used parts overseas.
> >
> I have the RS2 one in the car now - fairly well repaired with rubber tape
> and epoxy.  I
> know I need to do something long term and sounds like I can take the RS2
> selector shaft
> out and make the S4 one into the same configuration.  This is what I'm
> trying to
> confirm, since I don't want to make my presently marginal shift linkage
> completely
> useless.
> >
> The ball and socket portion of the S4 shaft are in good condition.
> Thanks for the advice.
> >
> Ben
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jack Cameron Dean [mailto:jackcdean at gmail.com]> Sent: Wednesday,
> October 13,
> 2010 10:04 AM
> > To: Ben Swann > Subject: Re: shifters
> >
> > The long selector rod is what needs to be modified.  There are several
> posts on
> motorgeek about it.  In addition... good luck finding 01E S2 or RS2 linkage
> or parts for
> the prices you have listed on audifans.
> It took me a while and any set I got needed a rebuild.  You are best off
> using the b5 s4
> linkage, doing the cut, rotate, re-weld, and  installing it. Just saying
> >
> > On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Ben Swann <benswann at verizon.net>
> wrote:
> >> Cut, Rotate and reweld - I was thinking of something like that.  We are
> speaking
> about just the selector shaft correct?  It seems to have the right piece(s)
> just in a
> different angle.
> >>
> >> I did not realize when I got it that the 01E for the S4 was that
> different.  Too bad
> I can't make use of the Shift lever - nice assembly.
> >> Ben
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Jack Cameron Dean [mailto:jackcdean at gmail.com]
> >> Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 9:24 AM
> >> To: benswann at verizon.net
> >> Subject: shifters
> >> You need either of the left pictures.  The one to the far right is for a
> b5 s4 with
> an 01e 6 speed.  It will work however, but will  require modification (cut,
> rotate, and
> reweld).]
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