[Marketplace] 4k/4Q/Cpe Switch Bezel w/switch

Chris Jamieson marketbot at audifans.com
Sat Dec 6 18:59:28 EST 2003

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Title:    4k/4Q/Cpe Switch Bezel w/switch
Price:    65.00

Section:  Parts
Date:     December 06, 2003
Contact:  Chris Jamieson
Location: Kansas City
Email:    mr_rally at yahoo.com

If your headlight switch is loose in the instrument bezel then this will fix the problem. Instrument bezel includes headlight switch, instrument light dimmer switch, emergency flasher switch, AND a fog light switch.  The plastic tabs that hold the headlight switch are often broken when someone removes the bezel to service the instrument cluster. This unit is in excellent condition. $65 + shipping (~$6)


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