[Marketplace] Cars: 1986 Audi 5000 CD

Bruce marketbot at audifans.com
Mon Jul 19 21:11:58 EDT 2004

Section:  Cars
Title:    1986 Audi 5000 CD
Price:    5,000.00
Location: Vernon, BC

Date:     July 19, 2004
Contact:  Bruce
Email:    quattrowagon at kestrelcadd.com
Phone:    (250) 549 9133


Full load, no leather. 5 speed manual transmission, needs clutch work.  Runs great, recent fuel injection, turbo & Quattro maintenance.  New front suspension, muffler/exhaust, windshield, wheel bearings, air filter, and summer tires, plus another 4 winter tires (no rims).  Burgundy, all five rear windows tinted.

Car is insured and available for test drives.

Pictures to follow.


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