[Marketplace] type 44 sport seats FS

Ronal G Wainwright marketbot at audifans.com
Sat Mar 20 14:12:14 EST 2004

Section:  Parts
Title:    type 44 sport seats FS
Price:    300.00
Location: Ludlow, Ma

Date:     March 20, 2004
Contact:  Ronal G Wainwright
Email:    ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Phone:    413 547 6099

This ad does not include any pictures.

Black leather sport seats from a 91 200 20VA, if you want these for you'r Avant I will include the rear seats, but for a Sedan you won't need the rear seats,
the condition is an 8 out of 10 one small rip (about 2 inches) on the driver side bolster were you'r left arm would be. thats the only flaw, seat stitching is still all intact, driverside bolster (closest to door) were you'r leg rests is not squwashed (sp?), ripped or damaged & pass side seat is mint as usual.
 I have these in my 90 V8 selling cause I'm upgrading to a set of 93 sport seats from an S4.


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