[Marketplace] Audi RS2 ElipsoidEuroHeadlights

Azeem marketbot at audifans.com
Mon Mar 22 11:36:05 EST 2004

Section:  Parts
Title:    Audi RS2 ElipsoidEuroHeadlights
Price:    520.00
Location: Toronto, Ontario

Date:     March 22, 2004
Contact:  Azeem
Email:    Azeem at OakvilleSound.com

This ad includes at least one picture.

Less than 6 months new.  Car was parked for majority of winter (garage parked).  Price is $520US and this includes the bulbs and SHIPPING.  FOR LOCAL BUYERS (pickup) price is: 505US or $670CDN.  Would be great if a fellow Canadian picked these up (save on duty/customs).


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