[Marketplace] 2000-02 A6, 4.2L--8 Spoke Wheels

Roger Priest marketbot at audifans.com
Fri May 21 00:32:40 EDT 2004

Section:  Wanted
Title:    2000-02 A6, 4.2L--8 Spoke Wheels
Price:    675.00
Location: Spokane, Washington

Date:     May 21, 2004
Contact:  Roger Priest
Email:    drummerboy at icehouse,net
Phone:    509-468-8666


Looking for complete set of 00-02 eight spoke stock OEM wheels. Most commonly sen on A6, 4.2L V8 car.  Please contact me at drummerboy at icehouse.net if you know where I can find a full set.  Thanks for helping.


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