[Marketplace] Parts: 3b intake manifold

Josh Leonti marketbot at audifans.com
Fri Jan 14 20:52:46 EST 2005

Section:  Parts
Title:    3b intake manifold
Price:    370.00
Location: bristol, RI

Date:     January 14, 2005
Contact:  Josh Leonti
Email:    livinotte at cox.net


I'm in the process of sourcing two 3b intake manifolds. One is for myself and one was for another buyer.  However he has disappeared. I had a feeling this would happened but I figured that I would find another buyer.  So spotted the cash and they should be shipped next week to me.  I was using a particular site to convert euros into us dollars. When I went to the bank to send the money it was a bit more, so if you reconize the post the intake manifold is a bit more than anticipated.  That being said I am looking to do is split the cost of the total price including shipping which was: $740.00.  It's a bare casting and it's used. Source it now, or bid for it on ebay when I get it.


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