[Marketplace] Parts: Ur S4 windows,electrics, seats

carl marketbot at audifans.com
Sun Jan 23 12:57:51 EST 2005

Section:  Parts
Title:    Ur S4  windows,electrics, seats
Price:    1.00
Location: southwest

Date:     January 23, 2005
Contact:  carl
Email:    cdavenhall at vla.com
Phone:    505.455.1676


I stripped my S4 to race it up hills in CO.  have the complete door innards(motors, windows, etc) complete sunroof asembly, front seats.  does anyone need stuff like this?  if so, make me an offer,  I almost loaded this stuff in the truck to take it to the dump.  Seats too.  it all worked when I removed from car.


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