[Marketplace] Parts: 7A Exhaust Camshaft - New

Mike Cialowicz marketbot at audifans.com
Sat Jan 29 22:59:39 EST 2005

Section:  Parts
Title:    7A Exhaust Camshaft - New
Price:    365.00
Location: Stow, MA

Date:     January 29, 2005
Contact:  Mike Cialowicz
Email:    mcialowi at student.umass.edu


A new 7A exhaust cam. I purchased it with the intention of installing it on my 1993 S4, but I don't really want to do the timing belt again (at least for a while). I also would rather have the money from the cam so I can buy some RS2 parts sooner. I hear it's a great upgrade, but it's a bit too "hardcore" for me.


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