[Marketplace] Parts: Robinair/SPX A/C Vacuum Pump

Jim Furdyn/Audi5TurboTech marketbot at audifans.com
Tue Jul 19 22:21:24 EDT 2005

Section:  Parts
Title:    Robinair/SPX A/C Vacuum Pump
Price:    250.00
Location: Cherry Hill, NJ

Date:     July 19, 2005
Contact:  Jim Furdyn/Audi5TurboTech
Email:    audijim at audi5turbotech.com
Phone:    856.482.1646


Brand new and never used. I have two of these and only need one. This is a new, never used Robinair SPX High Performance Vacuum Pump model 15400, 3 CFM, 1/3 HP 115 VAC motor. It comes with 16 oz. of premium vacuum pump oil and the operating/owners manual. It has never been plugged in or run, it has never had oil in it. This is a must for trouble shooting Air Conditioning problems (to check for a loss of vacuum) or for servicing A/C systems. THIS UNIT DOES NOT RECLAIM REFRIGERANT. Retails for over $500.00. Available for $250.00 plus shipping. Pictures will be posted soon.


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