[Marketplace] Wanted: WTB: Red Leather Seats or Parts

Richard J. Biallas marketbot at audifans.com
Thu Aug 17 00:50:06 EDT 2006

Section:  Wanted
Title:    WTB: Red Leather Seats or Parts
Price:    999,999,999.99
Location: Spokane, Wa

Date:     December 08, 2005
Contact:  Richard J. Biallas
Email:    BiallasRJ at comcast.net
Phone:    509-465-9118


Recently acquired a '86 4kq Commemorative (to my wife's dismay!) I need to rebuild the front seats as they are worn. Looking for a good driver or passenger side seat or a good back seat with the red leather. I have some experience at switching covers and padding sets..pretty easy. I just need the material.
 Also need a driver's side floor mat in black and the lower radiator airguide.


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