[Marketplace] Parts: HE Metal 4kq/80/90/Urq Radiator

Mike Robinson marketbot at audifans.com
Wed Dec 13 21:24:18 EST 2006

Section:  Parts
Title:    HE Metal 4kq/80/90/Urq Radiator
Price:    300.00
Location: Orange County, Ca

Date:     November 02, 2005
Contact:  Mike Robinson
Email:    mrobinso at ch2m.com
Phone:    714-435-6383


This is a High Efficiency Metal Radiator that has been recored by Beeco (sp?).  It will allow you to eliminate the auxiliary radiator if you have an 80 or 90.  It is the perfect setup for a turbo conversion in a B3 car; but is also an upgrade for a 4000 or Urq.  I bought this unit from a fellow Audifan who used it on his 80tq beast before he upgraded to a massive custom unit.  I never had a chance to install it as part of my turbo conversion.  It is still in very good shape.


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