[Marketplace] Parts: Cat Cams for AAN, 3b, ABY engine

Elijah Allen marketbot at audifans.com
Tue Jul 4 17:09:44 EDT 2006

Section:  Parts
Title:    Cat Cams for AAN, 3b, ABY engine
Price:    700.00
Location: Michigan

Date:     December 07, 2005
Contact:  Elijah Allen
Email:    elijahallen92 at aol.com
Phone:    231-271-5835


This is a brand new set of adjustable cams and adjustable exhaust pulley. I paid over $1200 for these and never got around to installing them. These are the fast road setup part number 1002303. Specs are:
 267 / 267°
 228 / 228°
 11.20 / 11.20mm
 1.20 / 1.20mm
 HYDR: sport


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