[Marketplace] Wanted: UFO Rotors for 1991 200 TQA 20v

Tom Donohue marketbot at audifans.com
Sun Jul 9 17:12:49 EDT 2006

Section:  Wanted
Title:    UFO Rotors for 1991 200 TQA 20v
Price:    175.00
Location: Pittsfield (Western) MA

Date:     December 07, 2005
Contact:  Tom Donohue
Email:    donohue at rnetworx.com
Phone:    413-442-2900


Headline says it all.  Anyone out there with a usable set of UFOs?  Maybe someone switching to Brembos, etc.?  If so, I need a pair.  Please contact me off list to discuss.  Thanks, Tom Donohue


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