[Marketplace] Parts: Bentley Manual, 1984-1988 5000

John Larson marketbot at audifans.com
Sat Jul 15 12:14:25 EDT 2006

Section:  Parts
Title:    Bentley Manual, 1984-1988 5000
Price:    100.00
Location: Santa Maria, CA

Date:     December 07, 2005
Contact:  John Larson
Email:    john at westcoastgarage.net
Phone:    805 925 1993


Nice, but not pristine, 2 volume Robert Bentley "Official Factory Repair Manual" for 1984-1988 Audi 5000, all USA models including sedans and avants, FWD and quattro.  List price is currently $159.95.  Ignore the asking price, best reasonable offer by 07/20/06.  Will ship 07/21/06.


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