[Marketplace] Wanted: Ronal Center Cap

Douglas marketbot at audifans.com
Wed Nov 8 10:50:18 EST 2006

Section:  Wanted
Title:    Ronal Center Cap
Price:    1.00
Location: Minnesota

Date:     November 01, 2005
Contact:  Douglas
Email:    douglas.fifield at comcast.net
Phone:    651-483-9136


I lost one center cap off one of my Ronal wheels. The Ronal P/N is 003 0201.  The OD of the cap is 64.5 MM, or just about 2.5 inches.  There are four fingers on the back side that grip the wheel.

Need one Ronal, or four Audi centercaps that would fit. If you have either, please contact me off list to discuss details.


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